Surf Camp 2.0 with Indonesian Surfing Legend Dede!
After the success of ALF’s and the Morotai Government Department of Tourism’s Surf Camp 1.0 collaboration in 2019 with Indonesian former professional surfer Dede Suryana, we were thrilled to invite him back in 2021 and provide the opportunity for local surfers to further improve their skills.
With even more members from the 12 surf clubs ALF has set up across the island participating, Surf Camp 2.0 reached more surfers and included several local girl surfers, including Lolly, the winner of the Girls section at the Morotai Surfing Competition. She is the photo here with Dede!
Dede provided expert training and skill sessions while also stressing the importance of protecting the marine environment as a surfer. Indonesia’s most successful professional surfer to date, Dede is a huge inspiration to the local surfers and a brilliant role model.
Furthering their skills and knowledge through our surf clubs, the competition and these training camps, five local surfers were awarded Surf Guide Certificates, having attained the required level. This means they are able to guide visitors to the island who are keen to surf. This is a job these surfers are passionate about, it will provide a good income for them and they can use other skills they have learnt through our programmes such English, photography and of course their ocean safety skills. Several of these surfers dropped out of school quite young. This achievement and opportunity gives them the prospect of a better future, and one they feel enthusiastic about.