Love Love Me Do


I think the Beatles would smile if they could hear the local children of a tiny village on a remote island singing “Love love me do”  whilst cylcing around with their friends or hanging out at the beach or trooping through the jungle to the other side of the island!


Music is an important part of village life here, with many locals playing guitar and singing in groups as hobbies.  Songs are a great way to teach and learn new words, practice pronunciation and have fun whilst learning.  They have the added bonus of being easier to remember than words or phrases which don’t have a melody to them and children love them.  We’ve put actions to the song to help remember the meanings of the words and some talented little performers are emerging in the group.  Esi (in the photo above) is one of them.  She’s charismatic and outgoing and loves singing.  Expressing herself in a different language seems to simultaneously fascinate her and reduce her to fits of laughter.


It’s great wandering through the village or along the beach and hearing “Love love me do” or greetings of “Hello, how are you?”, especially from children I haven’t taught.  That means they’re learning from the other children who are sharing their knowledge.  That’s the best news of all.


Ripping against the odds


Beach class